Sunday, 11 August 2013

Drawing Closer to Jehovah

Dear Noah

You are helping me draw closer to Jehovah.  Not just because as your parent I want to be a good example and therefore am working harder to strengthen my relationship with Jehovah, but because I now better understand how he feels about me.

The love I have for you is different than any love I have felt before. I understand when parents say they would do ANYTHING for their children. 

Jehovah's love for us is often compared to the love a mother has for her children.  Only now do I  understand what that really means.  How he really feels about me. I have always struggled with understanding that he values and loves me. I knew it, but never understood it. I know that Jehovah is forgiving and puts our sins as far off as the sunset. I know that he wants to protect us and feels hurt for us when we stumble and fall. But now I feel what that must be like. Granted this will even more meaning as I gain more experience as a parent.

There have been few times my son has gotten so upset and over tired that he has thrown a tantrum and I have felt like giving him a smack bottom.  But as soon as he stops and looks up and me, I can see he just doesn't know what else to do and he looks to me for comfort and answers.  My heart swells with love, just pure love, it pours out, the desire to comfort, to help and to teach him how to deal with his emotions. Any thought of disciplining you is gone. it is replaced with love.  Then there is the desire to protect you no matter what and the desire to see you happy and healthy.   We as humans are like babes, we make mistakes, we "act out" based on emotions and inexperience.   Jehovah looks down on us when we "act out"  with such love, and as soon as we look to him for support and comfort its there, along with compassion and the desire to guide, to see us happy and safe. The other side of the coin is the pain he must feel to see his children rebel and reject his parenting... his angelic creation too! I can barely imagine his grief. Then to watch his son go through everything he did. I would die inside if I lost my child and that's after two months of bonding. Only now am I grasping more fully his love for me because I am now a mother.

It would be hard to understand his love if you didn't feel it as a child from a parent. That guiding hand of love.  So its my mission to make sure you feel that love Noah, so you can have a better understanding of the love Jehovah has for you.  If I love you like that, Jehovah does 1000x more so. But only when you become a parent will you fully understand the extent of his love. 

Your loving Mother always X

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