Dear Noah
We are waiting with bated breath for the moment you move forward on your own. So far you get on to all fours and then to afraid to go forward but knowing how to get back to sitting you cry out for me or face plant the floor.
Part of me looks forward to seeing you progress and grow and hit those developmental milestones the other part of me wants things to stay just as they are. You needing me, relying on me and content in my company.
You dont seem to interested in crawling tho. You are pulling yourself up in anything you can get a secure grip on. Daddy even walked you over to me holding your hands. You were very wobbly but oh so proud of yourself. Maybe you will skip crawling and just walk.
Today you and I were playing taking socks on and off your feet as you lay in my arms before your nap. I would scoot them over your heel and you would pull them off to your delight. Then I would put them back on and we would repeat the process. I noticed that you then tried to put them back on your own feet too. It was more you just placing them on your foot while it dangled in the air and not quite letting go of the sock so it looked like you were rubbing the sock up and down your foot. I loved it. loved watching you trying new things and seeing you make connections every day.
At the moment you are also smacking your lips and we copy each other for about 5 mins.
Oh noah my days are filled with moments of sheer joy being with you.
I love you so much
your loving mother always